Stavya Week 16: Looking Back on Junior Year

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I was told that junior year would be especially difficult and that most of my time would be spent doing homework or studying for tests (here is an article about it). I thought so too at the beginning of the year when I looked down at my schedule and saw multiple APs. Now that I look back at my junior year, however, I will not remember junior year for being rigorous and time-consuming but rather for how much I grew over the year and the new memories I made.

I admit that I did have to spend a significant portion of my time focusing on schoolwork, but instead of preventing me from doing other things, it made me realize that time is a privilege and that I would not always be able to expect to do whatever I wanted with it. I started to spend more quality time either by myself or with others, whether it involved biking to Coyote Hills on a trail, taking long drives with my brother, or spending more time with my family. I used a lot of my time to relax instead of grinding out homework and assignments as I used to do, and I realized that I was happier and more energized overall.

I also tried to spend more of my time interacting with other people and making new friends. I started to go out with my friends more often, whether it was playing sports with them, such as basketball or football, going out to Bombay Pizza House or nearby restaurants, or simply relaxing at the park. I met a lot of new people through school this year, not only through my classes but also through many of the school activities that I participated in. For example, I had a great time on the tennis team this year, where I was able to interact with a lot of the new freshmen and spend some quality time with the seniors who will no longer be there next year.

I will also remember junior year for allowing me to finally figure out what I would like to spend my life doing. I was always interested in STEM, but through the various clubs, competitions, and classes that I participated in this year, I think I now have a much clearer idea of what I want to pursue in the future. I hope all of you had a similar experience as I did this year, and I guess we’ll see what senior year has in store for all of us.


  1. Hi Stavya! Like you I had also been told that junior year "would be especially difficult" by many people including many of my friends and family. It's nice to see that you had the opportunity to grow over the year and make new memories because for me it was quite a tedious year due to pressures of school and extracurriculars. Personally I think that my best year for making amazing memories like you spoke of was my sophomore year when I got to dance in spirit week and such.
    I like that you mentioned of your realization of the privilege of time and how we would not alway have enough of it later on in life, this truly resonated with my high school journey these three years.
    I appreciate the short paragraph formatting of your blog because it is clear and effective for the readers to perceive while being engaged throughout. Thank you for sharing your memories from this year and for the great blog!


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