Jessica Hung, Week 16 - The Last Blog

I can’t believe I am writing my last blog of the school year! I think this momentous occasion deserves applause (insert clapping sounds). After two weeks of AP testing my brain is so mentally exhausted—I can barely think of a topic to write about this week. So, I will rant and write whatever comes to mind right now.

To be honest, I thought this whole blogging assignment would be annoying when it was first introduced. After all, it’s just more work that I have to do on top of other homework assignments and projects. As time went by, however, I started to find value in writing these blogs. I love sharing my ideas with people who are similar and different from me. The blogs serve as an outlet for me to be vulnerable and rant about my troubles and worries. Writing blogs has allowed me to reflect on my identity and the memories that I have made in America and beyond through the power of language. 

I’ve also enjoyed reading everyone’s blogs in the two cohorts that I’ve been in. All of you have amazing ideas and such relatable content! I have gained so much knowledge by reading all of the blogs.

Looking back, some of my blogs were dull, while some were more exciting. Some of them were long, while some were short and sweet. Some were more reflective, while some were more analytical. Some made me cringe and smile, while some made me emotional. Some blogs were easy to write, while some took me a long time. Regardless, the blogs that I’ve written will always have a special place in my heart and memories. Thank you all for reading and commenting on my blogs and joining me on my never-ending journey of self-reflection!

Our Blogging Website
(taken from Google)


  1. Hi Jessica! I loved that your blog concluded the era of bloggers but repeating the different topics we have written about over the years. Like you said each blog we have written over the year has been different either because of the topic, the length, the writing time, or because of the personal touches we included. I think I’ll go visit the first-ever blog I wrote after this and see how far my writing has progressed over the years.
    You mentioned being exhausted due to AP week and I completely understand! After my last test, I could barely think. I was constantly complaining and didn’t want to do any work. In fact, yesterday, I binge-watched a whole series (the whole 10 episodes) and stayed in bed doing nothing. It was extremely nice to have nothing to worry about. Of course, we’ll have to restart the work now due to finals but I love that I was able to take a break in between. You mentioned that you rushed your blog and just ranted because you weren’t sure what to write about but honestly, It was one of my favorite blogs this week because it wrapped up this activity nicely. It felt like a full-circle moment to read my last blog about bloggers.
    I am really glad that you were in my cohort this semester! I loved your blogs and I hope to be in a class with you next year as well!

  2. I thought it was nice how you paid tribute to all of the blogs that we have been writing over the course of this school year through your last blog. I also first felt that the weekly blogging assignments, consisting of blogs and at least three comments every other week, would simply be more work for me to do on top of the other AP English assignments and work from other classes that I already had. I slowly realized that it was different from other assignments: we were not graded based on the quality of our writing or based on how well our ideas were structured and flowed. Blogs and blog comments were meant for our own freedom of expression and for us to be able to interact with and better understand each other. I enjoyed the idea of being able to write about whatever I wanted every week and being able to share ideas with my fellow classmates on similar topics. Blogging has certainly been one of the more unique assignments that I have been able to do over the course of high school, and like you, I will certainly continue to remember it.


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