Daniel Chen Week 16: In Loving Memory

I know you all will miss me as you should, but in loving memory of me (because I'm the best), I shall bless you all with my final blog, which I shall nickname the banger blog.

I really enjoyed being able to spend all this time with you guys this year writing blogs and seeing what you guys had going on in your lives or seeing what you were interested in, and of course you're very (no.) welcome that I was here to keep you company as I know that you all loved my presence in your lives. 

As much as we have stressed about APENG this year, I would like to say congratulations to all of us, and especially one of the greatest people in the class this whole year who obviously did the most...me! Thanks for this moment, it is so much bigger than me. First I'd like to thank my friends, my family, my loved ones... 

As we wrap up this year I'd like to hope that all of us did not fail the Beloved test and that we will slay on the TTTC test that is coming up, the VFA final, and the other finals that we have coming up. Not only have we absolutely slammed Collegeboard with our perfect scores on the AP tests, but I believe that we have amazed Mrs. Smith with our ingeniousness when it came to writing those 1-4-1 essays (which obviously was the only score I got this year). 

Congrats again for making it through everything, I know it was hard (because my amazing personality distracted you the whole year), and I hope that we can continue to slay and create a cure for the dreaded senioritis. To me you all have been the best classmates I could've asked for, and you guys genuinely made this class one of my favorites for sure. 

We will go down in the books of Mrs. Smith's history book as the greatest class and the greatest students as well as the best RA essay writers. As Morrison once said: "I made this quote up because I wanted to put a quote but realized I was lazy to find one that fit."

Slay the day away,

Your Dearest and most loved,



  1. Hi Daniel! I am going to miss reading your funny and sarcastic blogs next year! You always find a way to make your blog entertaining and interesting to read. I also enjoyed this class a lot! I was honestly quite scared going into it because many people told me that it was one of the hardest classes a junior can take. I was quite nervous but I am extremely glad a follow through with it. Not only has this class taught me to write essays quickly and effectively but it has also given me the opportunity to form a community with some of the coolest people!
    I really hope we did well on the Beloved test as well and I am sure we all did amazing on the college AP tests the past two weeks. We just have to push through two more weeks and wrap up the year! Next year, I hope to see everyone in another class whether it be in English or another subject. I’d like to wrap this comment up the say way you did with your blog so…
    Slay the day away,

  2. Hi Daniel!! I'm so happy I got to be in a cohort this year with you and read your blogs. The second we got into these new cohorts and I realized we were in the same ones, I knew I was going to be reading all of your blogs. I'm honestly not sure how but I totally forgot that this was our last blog (I guess the APENG grind has caught up to me) but I really cannot believe that we're almost done with this class. All the essays, blogs, blog comments, everything has led up to this. In moments where this class got really hard, I've found myself wishing that it would just end but now that it is, it kind of feels really bizarre and like it went by really quickly. But I'm glad I ultimately decided to take this class because it has not only taught me a lot but allowed me to meet and form bonds with so many talented, kind people (including you!). I hope we all did well on our exams and I hope we do well on our True Story. We can do this! Thank you for all your blogs!

  3. Hi Daniel! I have to say that your blogs never failed to bring a smile to my face every week. I genuinely love how open you are in your blogs and how every single topic and every single sentence represents you and screams YOU! I love your sarcasm and your wittiness (please donate some to me) and am definitely going to miss your blogs. At this point in time, we got our Beloved tests back, and we did pretty well, so woohoo!! A quick thank you to Mrs. Smith for making it a partner test, very very very appreciated. I hope we all got 5s on the APENG exam, because I honestly think we deserve it. We all worked pretty hard and practiced so much. 9 more days left!!

  4. Hi Daniel! I will miss both you and your engaging blogs this year since you always know how to entertain the reader. I do love your presence and appreciate the sarcastic tone you incorporate in your blogs. I could imagine you saying each of these intro sentences in person since your blogs are so personalized and resonate you the best. I love that this whole blog was just an appreciation of Daniel Chen and it was quite funny to read. I hope everyone did well on the AP test and all the final tests we did the last few weeks! I loved this class so much and even though it was hard it was definitely one of the most memorable for sure. Good luck guys on all you finals!


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