Jessica Hung, Week 10 - Dad Jokes

Cringe warning ahead! Please proceed with caution.

Recently, my friend asked her dad to make her a sandwich.

Her dad said, “Abracadabra, now you are a sandwich.”

Haha. Cringe

That’s probably what you’re thinking. You’re probably laughing or groaning—or both. 

Every year, dad jokes make millions of people around the world roll their eyes and sigh in exasperation. Thousands of children become traumatized.

However, let me ask you a question: Why did the dad joke cross the road?

The answer: Because it has the power to make you laugh on the other side!

Laughter is a universal language; this gives dad jokes unbound power. It can bring together different generations and people from different cultures. For example, many people from around the world came to the new chef’s restaurant because his dishes have international flavor. During awkward social situations, dad jokes can lighten the atmosphere. 

Dad jokes can secretly carry a hint of wisdom, having the perfect blend of humor and insight. A few days ago, I asked the librarian if the library had any books on anxiety. She replied, “They’re right behind you!”

The lesson: What you fear may be closer than you think, so face it with a sense of humor.

If you managed to read until this point, then I have to say, you’ve got serious “joke stamina!”

But seriously, dad jokes have great power. My power outlet even had to go to therapy because it couldn't handle the voltage of laughter caused by my dad jokes.

Okay, I’ll stop with the dad jokes now. 

A Dad Joke (from Google)


  1. Jessica, I was immediately drawn in by your enticing hook, warning your audience to “proceed with caution” and evoking curiosity about the contents of the blog. The warning proved to be necessary within the very first few lines, as the sheer cringeness and subtle craftiness of the “make me a sandwich” joke left me taken aback. However, it didn’t end there—I found it admirable how so many jokes were cleverly incorporated into your every point, further indirectly driving home your message about the power of dad jokes. I myself am a victim of my father’s second-class sense of humor, but I can’t deny that his jokes are all I need to hear after a tough day. I further enjoyed the way you portrayed the relentless persistence of dad jokes with your closing message, assuring the audience that you’ll “stop with the dad jokes now” but then ending the blog off with a picture of yet another corny joke. Your blog was an amusing read, and I can’t wait to hear from you next week!

  2. Hi Jessica! I thoroughly enjoyed your comical storytelling! You were able to keep me engaged and laughing throughout your blog while also managing to convey an important message. It is true that laughing is one of the best ways to uplift someone’s mood and it is contagious! From personal experience, whenever one of my friends starts laughing, my whole friend group starts laughing in response. Our collective joy uplifts my mood and has me smiling the rest of the day as well.
    One of the things I love about my dad is his ability to brighten up a room with a small joke or jab. He has a unique talent for bringing joy to those around him and I hope to learn from him! However, over the past couple of years of making new relationships, I realized that not only dad has the ability to make funny jokes. In fact, my best friend is one of the first people that comes to mind when thinking about dad jokes because she is always making me laugh by saying funny things. The term Dad jokes is a misnomer because everyone has the power to spread joy and happiness (not only dads) if they choose. One day, I hope to be proficient in dad jokes so that I can make those around me happy and joyful!
    When reading your blog, I loved the way you integrated dad jokes into each line to add a joyful nature but also add to the overall message. Even the picture you included at the end had me giggling! Overall, your blog carries a strong message and I am so glad I had the opportunity to read it this week.

  3. Jessica, I think you have a valid point about dad jokes. Rather than viewing it as a poorly crafted joke, we should be viewing it as a means to enjoy ourselves and give ourselves the chance to laugh, especially when it seems like we don't really get that chance in our face paced society. The notion that "laughter is the best medicine" has always been something that I've heard, and I think the simplicity of dad jokes is meant to make this miracle medicine accessible to everyone. Perhaps dad jokes are to some extent cringe-inducing. However, the motive behind these jokes are pure-hearted and honestly quite admirable. The fact that people can find the opportunity to crack jokes even while everything is going wrong is a show of strength that many of us take for granted. Of course, the difference between dad jokes and self deprecation is usually blurred, but when done right, it definitely shows the courage and strength of someone and their ability to carry on even when worse comes to worst. Perhaps everyone needs a little dad joke every once in a while, and maybe a dad joke a day can keep the therapist away. Whatever it is, I think dad jokes have a special place in my heart as something that lets us feel like we can be carefree, and it's a reminder that everything gets better eventually.


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